Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Weekend!! : )

Today is the start of Halloween weekend. I am so excited to go out all dressed up and have fun with friends. I will be dressing up as a nerd tonight and then a football player Saturday. What are you guys being for Halloween? This is one of my favorite holidays because you get candy, I love me some candy!

I love the fall and the holiday seasons. I cannot believe Christmas is  only two months away. What is your favorite holiday? I personally love them all, time with friends, family, and a lot of good home cooked meals.I believe holidays bring people together and everyone is happy. 

Well that is all I have today. I hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween weekend. Be careful of what you do and be aware of others. Have an awesome weekend and enjoy it because it only comes once a year.
Happy Halloween!!!

Live. Laugh . Love.


Sunday, October 24, 2010


Hello Everyone,

Friday my friends and I went out and we had an awesome time. I always have fun with my friends no matter if it is just stay in and being lazy or going out and having fun. What do you guys like to do with your friends? Saturday we drove to Columbus and went to a haunted house. It was really good and I will admit I jumped once.

We came back to school and ordered pizza it was really good. Pizza is usually always good when you are hungry. We stayed up and watched a little bit of t.v then went to bed. My roomate had to go to work so we could not stay up too long. I didnt wake up until about eleven because I was so tired.

Today is sunday and it is a very lazy day. I did my homework and laundry. Went to lunch with my roomate and then came back to read and relax. What do you guys usually do when there is nothing to do? well that is all I have for today. Hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

Tomorrow is Monday. Yay haha

Live. Laugh. Love.

Valerie <3

Thursday, October 21, 2010

THURSDAY!!! Its jersday. :)

Hello World,

 Today I had one class which was very boring. We watched a movie and read out of our book. The story was hamlet. I personally am not interested in this kind of story/play. What do you guys think of  Hamlet? After that class I was done for the day. I took my usual walk up the hill to my dorm in Kelley.

 Once I got to my room I called my mom to have our everyday conversation. We talked for awhile until I had to go to lunch. The food as usual was not good at all. I mean after having a salad everyday, I think even a cow heart would be better then the food. If you could only hear the complaints everyday from the students you would understand. Is your food at college good or bad?

As the day went on i went to tutor for my education class for about an hour. The students are in third grade and are always excited when they see me. Today jersey shore is on and I have no idea why I like the show but I cant get enough of it. What to you guys think of jersey shore?  Well that is all I have for today's blog, I will be leaving another one soon.